19 Fun Indoor Games for Kids to Play Inside That The Whole Family Will Love

Saiful Samir

19 Fun Indoor Games for Kids to Play Inside That The Whole Family Will Love

24 october 2023

Are you looking for fun games to play inside with your kids? Look no further! Whether it's raining outside or you're just looking for some fun indoor activities, we've got you covered. In this blog post, we will share 19 fun indoor games that the whole family will enjoy playing. These games are perfect for kids of all ages, and they're guaranteed to bring some laughter and cheer to your home. So, let's get started!

1. Charades

Charades is a classic game that everyone loves, and it's easy to play. One person acts out a word or phrase, and the other players try to guess what it is. You can play this game with any theme you like, such as animals, movies, or books.

2. Pictionary

Pictionary is another fun game that is easy and entertaining. One person draws a picture, and the others guess what it is. If you're feeling creative, you can come up with your own categories and clues.

3. Musical Chairs

Musical Chairs is a game that never gets old. Lay out some chairs, play some music, and have the players walk around the chairs. When the music stops, everyone rushes to sit down. The person who doesn't find a chair is out.

4. Indoor Bowling

Indoor Bowling is a fun game that you can play with household items. Set up some water bottles or paper cups, and use a ball to knock them down. You can even make your own bowling ball by covering a ball with duct tape.

5. Simon Says

Simon Says is a classic game that is great for kids of all ages. One person is "Simon," and the others follow the commands given. If someone follows a command that doesn't start with "Simon says," they're out.

6. Twister

Twister is a game that is perfect for getting some exercise inside. Roll the dice and try to put your hands and feet on the corresponding colors. The last person standing wins!

7. Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are always fun, and you can tailor them to fit your home. Create a list of items for the players to find, and set a timer. The person who finds the most items wins.

8. Balloon Volleyball

Balloon Volleyball is a fun and low-key game that is perfect for younger kids. Use a balloon as the ball and string or tape to create a "net." Play volleyball as usual, and see who can get the most points.

9. Family Feud

Family Feud is a game that everyone can enjoy. Come up with your own surveys and questions, and see which team can come up with the most popular answers.

10. Indoor Soccer

Indoor soccer is a great game that can be played with just a ball and some space. Create your own goals and play a fun game of soccer inside.

11. Tic-Tac-Toe

Tic-Tac-Toe is a classic game that is simple but still entertaining. Draw up a board and some X's and O's, and let the games begin.

12. Chess

Chess is a game that requires strategy and concentration. It's perfect for older children who are looking for a challenge.

13. Uno

Uno is a popular card game that is easy to learn and fun to play. This game is perfect for all ages, and you can even create your own rules to make it more interesting.

14. Jenga

Jenga is a game that requires steady hands as you try to stack the pieces without knocking them over. This is a great game for older kids and adults.

15. Connect Four

Connect Four is another classic game that is easy to learn but still challenging. This game is great for all ages and can be played for hours.

16. Hangman

Hangman is a game that is perfect for language practice and it's always fun. Choose a word and let the guessing begin.

17. Dominoes

Dominoes is an interesting game that can be played with 2 or more players. The goal is to match the dots on the tiles, and the player with the most points at the end wins.

18. Memory Game

Memory game is an easy game for kids of all ages. Simply lay out some cards or objects, let people memorize them, and then cover them up. See who can remember the most.

19. Go Fish

Go Fish is a classic card game that is great for all ages. Try to make pairs and see who can collect the most cards.


Indoor games are a great way to spend time together as a family, especially during rainy days. These 19 games are just a few examples of the many fun activities you can enjoy indoors. So, gather your family, follow the rules, and let the fun begin! 

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